Saturday, September 15, 2007

Devendra Banhart - Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon

Recorded in Topanga Canyon in the Santa Monica mountains. This is now a bit different from Banhart's pyedecelic folk works expect two or three song. Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon is much like a classic rock record, you'll hear long great guitar driven rock songs, for example the key track "Seahorse" where memorable electric guitars work hard. Some songs are influenced by latin or tropical music like previous Banheart songs...Luna de Margarita, Santa Maria de Feira and Devendra adds another weird song to these, it's Samba Vexillographica. Banhart's audience continued to expand, And he loves Elvis Presley that's why he's trying to sing like Elvis on song named Shabop Shalom. Good try Mr. Banhart. This is quite old school, Smokey Rolls Down... deserves a listen, though.

Devendra Banhart - Shabop Shalom
Devendra Banhart - Bad Girl


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