Modern Music Album Review:
Indie Rock
The Montreal band led by Murray Lightburn is a little more rocking and a little less orchestral on this follow-up to 'No Cities Left.'
It's very great to hear their new album after their stunning debut "No Cities Left".
Album opens with an intro named 'Sinthtro' ,then "Ticket To Immorality" which is the first single, is spreading Murray Lightburn's
soulful singing. On "Death Or Life We Want You", you'll instantly notice sharp guitar attraction, but this song can't charm you as "Hate Then Love" does. The song contains well-known Dears-like up and down waving motions which we know from first album. It feels like everytime different. First time, i loved vocals, but second time i loved atmosphere of this song, great melody, one of the best song in this record. I considered 'Hate Then Love' with "Lost in Pilot" from their first album.
You can find more indie and post-rock tunes in "Gang Of Losers" according to "No Cities Left". We're slowing with There Goes My Outfit. 'Bandwagoneers' is an another great, standout light. Starting of this song and vocals are very similar with The Smiths and Morrissey songs
, but they're really great and original. 'Bandwagoneers' are including best vocal performance
becuase vocals are so liquid and back effects and ambiance are perfect. I liked very much end of the song.
Murray Lightburn is one of the most promising new singer, he uses his voice professionally.
After Listening "Bandwagoneers" which is again of my fav., you hear "Fear Made The World Go 'Round" and With the song, the record proves that charming melodies never disappears.You'll say forthwith this album is a complete album. There aren't any crap songs or lack of melody. "Fear Made The World Go 'Round" is a louder song than the others. "Find Our Way To Freedom" is the best recent work of dears, including saxophone. Think that, what will be if Lightburn's voice is joning with saxophone?
"Whites Only Party" seems an energetic song but it isn't.Colourful melodies with misery,i think if it would be sauce,it was very delicious. You can see openly Morrissey influence on Lightburn's vocals in this song.
"Gang of Losers" is some kind of airy emotional record yet. The emotions which make Gang of Losers very good indeed.
MM picks: Hate Then Love, Bandwagoneers, Fear Made The World Go 'Round
This title will be released on August 31, 2006. You may order it now
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