I was working on this project for two weeks, it was tiring. First I thought it'd be easy but you always think that it's easy when you're at the beginning of your duty. Not that easy! Actually reconsidering and listening all those indie rock albums, chosing the best ones took my two week. Can you imagine all those indie rock albums in front of you, and you should draw the most brilliant ones to the dear readers. Yeah at last, made the list, and very happy about it. Because in this list you can find the best alt.indie stuffs. I'm sure of it, it'll be help someone to make her/his day beautiful! Evert list is a bit personal, so don't forget to share your best indie rock albums list with me.

Tortoise - Millions Now Living Will Never Die - 1996
A Victor Hugo quote maybe shows the right way to describe this album '
Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent' Very exquisite. Emotional rock music without a human voice but human touch!
Tortoise - Glass Museum2.
Bonnie Prince Billy - I See A Darkness - 1999
It certainly is one of the best record throughout 90s, it was very deep. Very dark.
A highly satisfying musical experience. It shows importance of the words which is hard
to tell during painful experiences of life.
Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation - 1988
"Daydream Nation" incudes perfect instrumental explosives which can break into
pieces the whole world, noise machine!

The Pixies - Doolittle - 1989
Pixies' the youngest, the most lovely guitar lines, and perfect songs of the band are very appreciated in alt.indie music after their separation.
Their contribution to indie rock is impossible to debate.
The Smiths - The Queen Is Dead - 1986
The Queen Is Dead, Bigmouth Strikes Again, There Is a Light That Never Goes Out, all the best The Smiths works are included in the record. Lyrically, musically, its impression huge on indie rock scene.
The Go-Betweens - 16 Lovers Lane - 1988
This record is very different, having sensibility of love, taking rich textures of rock music,
and also it's from Australia's greatest pop group ever. Something like falling in love and
rocking at the same time.
Bob Mould - Workbook - 1990

Masterpiece, and also it's one of the best record in 90s.
The High Llamas - Gideon Gaye - 1994
"Gideon Gaye" is sneaking to ears carefully, and waiting right time to stole your heart. Once it got your heart, never gives back to you what's yours.
Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen - 1993
The Afghan Whigs' sound was quite independent, self-reliant and mind-blowing!
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea - 1998
Everyone knows or should know about it, yes it's one of the best indie rock record ever made.
Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945And albums couldn't make the top 10 list:
11. Silver Jews - Starlite Walker
12. Jim O'Rourke - Eureka
13. Mojave 3 - Ask Me Tomorrow
14. Belle & Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister
15. Pavement - Slanted & Enchanted
16. Smog - Red Apple Falls
17. Elliott Smith - Either/Or
18. The Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
19. Spiritualized - Ladies & Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space
20. Guided by Voices - Bee Thousand